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The Head May Err, But Never The Blood

- Nakajima Atsushi

Hello, my name is Kari Pawlak,


My inspiration comes from watching Anime, reading Manga, watching Chinese Dramas, and a video game series called Legend of Heroes and Ys. I love incorporating romance, fantasy elements, and a bit of paranormal spice into my stories. You'll find a lot of them here! I have a learning disability and am also hard of hearing, so I'm still learning a lot.


I was interested in writing when I was twelve years old. I have never published anything, but I would dabble in roleplaying. I remember staying up late with the old AOL dial-up connection, and since you're on a forum, everyone you talk to will have different time zones. Of course, I was being safe! To this day, I still speak to some of them, and I hope to reconnect with lost friends, even if it's small talk.


I created the idea of the Eistah Chronicles about four years ago (2021) and "temporarily" stopped playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I was out of work and thought maybe now would be a good time to start writing my book. I plan to return to school by completing my Associate in Arts degree and Bachelor in Creative Writing.


The first book that ever got me into reading would have to be His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman. I don't remember when I read it since I had to have been in middle school, probably when I tried to read The Children of Dune by Frank Herbert. From there, I read Harry Potter and the Hunger Games. I'd love to get out of my reading slump before my TBR gets too big!

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Pronouns: She/Her

A Lil About Me

Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Food: Prime Rib

Favorite Music Genre: Alternative

Favorite Anime: Bungo Stray Dogs

Favorite Genre: Fantasy, Romance

Favorite Kpop Group: Dreamcatcher

Favorite C-Drama: The Untamed

Favorite TV Show: Stargate SG1

Favorite Movie: Lord of the Rings

Favorite Song: Some Nights by Fun

Favorite Season: Summer


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